Juniper Divination & Witchery

Photo by Petr Sidorov on Unsplash

9 Tarot Tips to Spark Your Divination Journey

Are you intrigued by the world of tarot but need help getting started? The ancient art of tarot reading is a powerful tool for self-discovery, tapping into your intuition, and gaining clarity on life’s path. Whether you’re a curious beginner or looking to deepen your connection with your deck, these ten tips will guide you.

1. Choose a Resonant Deck

Finding a deck that speaks to you is the first step in learning to read tarot. There are two major styles of tarot deck: Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) and Tarot de Marseille (TdM). Each holds unique symbolism and energy. Trust your instincts and select a deck that draws you in. If you’re unsure where to start, try a digital download version of each style to get a feel for them.

2. Bond With Your Cards

Build a relationship with your deck by handling them frequently. Shuffle them, feeling their weight and texture. Draw a daily card to meditate on or spend time studying each card individually. Observe its symbolism, colors, and the story it conveys.

3. Start With Simple Spreads

Don’t feel overwhelmed by elaborate tarot spreads when you’re starting out. A simple one-card pull delivers a focused message for the day. Three-card spreads, with positions representing past, present, and future, are great for exploring situations. As you become comfortable, explore more intricate spreads tailored to specific questions.

4. Focus on the Visuals

Tarot cards, especially RWS-style decks, are rich in symbolism. Pay close attention to the figures, colors, landscapes, and energy depicted in each card. Observe the emotions they evoke. Let your own perception and imagination weave a unique story with the cards.

5. Journal Your Readings

A tarot journal is a powerful tool for growth. Record the date, your question, the cards drawn, your initial interpretation, and any additional insights. Over time, reread your notes and see how your understanding of the cards evolves.

6. Use a Guidebook…Or Don’t!

Guidebooks offer traditional meanings and can be a great starting point, especially for beginners learning tarot. However, your intuition is your most valuable guide. As your confidence grows, trust the messages the cards relay to you directly, even if they differ slightly from textbook definitions.

7. Incorporate a Ritual

Rituals create a sacred space and prepare your mind for divination. Design your own unique pre-reading ritual. This could involve lighting a candle, burning incense, playing soft music, meditating, or simply taking a few deep breaths to center yourself.

8. Be Open-Minded

Tarot sometimes delivers messages we may not want to hear but ultimately need. If a card’s meaning seems unclear, sit with it. Meditate on the card, journal about it, and allow insights to unfold organically. Remember, tarot is a tool for growth.

9. Trust Your Intuition

Above all, listen to your inner voice. You have the innate ability to decipher the messages of the tarot. See your deck as a tool that amplifies your natural intuition, not as a replacement for it.

Unlocking the Tarot’s Wisdom

Tarot is a beautiful tool for guidance and self-discovery. I hope these tips light the path on your unique journey! To find the perfect tools to support your practice, visit my Etsy shop [Insert shop name and link], where you’ll discover a curated selection of tarot decks, guidebooks, and magical supplies.